So, Abigail and I have been in San Diego with my family since Tuesday and it has been such a wonderful stay so far!! It was so weird to leave 50 degree weather and to arrive in San Diego where it was between 70 and 90 degrees.
On Wednesday, we picked Alex up from her appt. and went to lunch at Pizza Nova. It was so yummy! I had A LOT of garlic....as did Abigail around three hours later. I think she enjoyed it..which is a good thing because I really want her to enjoy garlicy foods. After we dropped Alex off at school, Aunt Kim and Abigail and I went to Target to look for Abigail's baby gift. Aunt Kim got her a bumbo, Baby Einsteins tape, and some toys. I'm in love with the bumbo! It's perfect for sitting her down so I can get something done, and she is a happy little peach. She also likes to sit in it to watch tv (what am I in for...she already loves the television, yikes).
On Thursday, we went to the commissary where Aunt Kim was in HEAVEN. She said that it had been 14 years since she was able to shop there. She enjoyed it so much, and, she cut her grocery budget in half this month. It made me happy to help. I figure, I don't use the benefits, so, why not allow a veteran to have them. The commissary in Colorado Springs doesn't save as much as it does here in California, where prices are way too high.
Yesterday Abby and I went to the mall and found a gift for baby Jake. Then mommy got a few clothing items because maternity clothes are just not looking right anymore. I figure that it's okay to buy a few clothes because, I'm only going to be pregnant again and back at this size some day in the future. Though, I do have to say...I despise shopping for myself. Especially with a crying baby. This mall was really neat...they had a family lounge with three nursing rooms. VERY convenient. After Aunt Kim picked us up, we went to see the end of the vollyball game. They are supposed to be AMAZING...as in one of the top teams in California.
Today, we are going out to find a present for Giles (from me), a present for Katie's friend (she's going to a sweet sixteen today), and then just to look around.