Sunday, May 9, 2010

They do look a good bit alike, don't they. I was
convinced that they looked like complete opposites. Abigail is 1.5 months younger, but, I didn't have a 3 month bath picture, haha.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I've been trying to get a good picture of Gideon, but, I have to say...he's pretty good at just being a blob, hehe. An adorable one....but, nothing more nothing less. It's probably because I'm not very good at doing tummy time. I rarely did it with Abigail, and, it's even rarer for Gideon. I know that it's important, but, delayed mobility isn't necessarily a bad thing in my eyes...especially when I'm pulling a 21 old off of the tv stand, table, high chair, etc. multiple times a day. I attempted to get a good picture while Christian was holding him, but, CHRISTIAN refused to cooperate. Silly silly man. Oh well, I'll get one soon!!

Abigail LOVES LOVES LOVES stickers. One day, while she was playing with them, I started sticking them on her face and head. She now thinks that is where they go. She found a page of stickers in her coloring drawer, and, one by one she was placing them on her face and in her hair. She then tried to put them back on the page, and, in the process tore Zoe's head off (these are Sesame Street stickers, by the way....). Zoe's head then accidentally ended up on Cookie Monster's tummy, which then resulted in an upset toddler screaming "CA CA, CA CA" (cookie monster). Unfortunately, it took Christian and I a few minutes to figure out what was going on, but, hey....we got a great picture of her with all the stickers, hehe.

I've been testing Gideon out in the bumbo, and, he likes it for a little while. After a few minutes he's ready to be held, hehe. It's nice to be able to put him down somewhere that he can still look around. Abigail was around 3 months when she first used it, too!!! I think she had better head support though. I also took a couple of shots during his bath, last night. He LOVES the bath. At least I think he does. He pretty much just sits there and relaxes, hehe. If he's not screaming, he must be enjoying it, right??? He did NOT like the after bath routine. I always feel so bad putting cold lotion on Abigail and Gideon right after they've had a soothing warm bath. He was a happy camper when we finally got the jammies on, though!!

Today I was sent home from work early when Abigail's teachers discovered that she had a fever :-(. They said that her temperature was 102. I started crying when they told me. Abigail had a febrile seizure the last time she had a fever, and, I was traumatized by it. I didn't realize that her getting another fever would immediately trigger those emotions and memories . I know that it's not uncommon, but, just remembering the events of that day was upsetting. We came home and I immediately placed her in a lukewarm bath and gave her tylenol (generic due to the recall, ugh!). She's been a happy girl all day, but, definitely needing her rest.

When Christian came home from work, he was trying to work out, and, Abigail thought that it would be fun to sit on his back while he was doing push ups. She had a blast and was giggling the entire time. Poor Christian....he had an extra 20 lbs of weight on his arms, haha. I then tried to et my daily picture of Gideon, and, Abigail decided she wanted to join in on the fun. She decided that she would give her baby brother a feverish kiss...whoops. Here's to hoping that he doesn't come down with anything.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Gideon is 3 months!!!!!

Time has been flying by, and, I'm starting to feel the guilt that I haven't been taking as many pictures of Gideon as I should have been. I think I must have 10 pictures of Abigail to every 1 of Gideon :-(. I need to change this! My goal from here on out is to get a picture of both kids at least every week...though, I'll shoot for every day, haha.

Abigail is fascinated with hats, and, you'll see in the first couple of pictures that she was really enjoying herself a couple of days ago. She kept putting it on and taking it off. She does the same thing with her princess crown and bows, but, she has a hard time getting the bows back in, haha. Often times, she'll take her bows out of her hair just so that she can look at them. She then becomes frustrated because she can't get it back in. She'll also take it out just so that she can chew on it, haha....I don't like that very much :-P. Not because I make the majority of's not a very good idea to let a 20 month old chew on her bows, hehe.

We've also been potty training....kind of sort of. I'm not really focusing on it too much, just getting her used to the idea of undies and what the potty is. She does go every now and then, and, boy does she love her Elmo undies! But, I can only handle 1-2 accidents a day. I don't think our carpet can take much more than that, haha. This weekend, I was thinking of experimenting with the 3 day, so, we shall see how that goes. I'm sure it'll be humorous if anything. And, if you are wondering what the brown stuff on her face's m&m's. She now expects to get some when she walks into the bathroom, haha. It's difficult teaching her that she'll only get them if she goes potty. And boy, the tantrums that I get as a result to those explanations, haha...

Today, I wanted to get a picture of BOTH Abigail and Gideon, and, Abigail was very pleased that she was able to hold her baby brother. "Elmo in Grouchland" just so happened to be playing in the background, so, please excuse the fact that she is gazing off into the distance.

Let's see, what is little boy Gideon doing? He has the sweetest smile that melts anyone's heart. His newborn cry has started to disappear :-(. I just can't get past the fact that he is leaving the newborn stage to because a full blown infant, haha. He also loves to be in his bouncy seat so he can kick his feet. He'll actually fuss sometimes until you put him in there, and, all of the sudden he's all smiles and kicking away. I'm starting to get teary eyed just typing this, because, I know soon enough I'm going to have two kids in Elementary school with friends and preferences. Then, I'm going to be the embarrassing mom that they want to stay in the car. anyone ever going to invent the permanent baby????