We had so much fun this Halloween. It was the first year that Abigail actually knew what she was and enjoyed what she did, haha. We have been hearing her ask "more candy peeze" non stop since. She even got the bright idea to ask for it after she went potty...every.single.time. She's such a smart kid, haha.
The day before Halloween, Lynda came down and we took them to the apartment complex party. They just got a little bag of candy and we sat around while Abigail ate some and danced to the music. There was only one other little girl there, but Abigail seemed to have a blast anyway. Gideon enjoyed crawling around and eating his candy....pretzels :-P.
On Halloween, we headed out to Old Colorado City to have lunch at our favorite Greek restaurant, Jake and Telly's. I love their food, it's the closest that I've had to my Uncle Jim's greek cooking. Though...I still prefer his over anything else I've had. Abigail got a coupon for a free kids meal, and got a hamburger....that was larger than our adult meal, haha.
After lunch, we started Trick or Treating, and Abigail had so much fun. She said "Twick tweet" and "dantdu" to everyone :-). She also tried to eat every piece given to her between each shop we visited. Gideon loooooved sitting in the front seat of the stroller watching everyone. We did find out that Abigail is terrified of the big character costumes...like the ones you would see at Disney world or Sesame Place, yikes. Actually, the only one that didn't scare her was some guy wearing an Elmo head. She kept saying, "that's Elmo!" The guy was so sweet to play along and wave at her. It made her day.
When we got home, Abigail took a LONG nap until we started getting Trick or Treaters of our own. We decided to let her go around the complex to do a little more herself. Big mistake...that's where the majority of her candy came from. Turns out, everyone loves seeing cute toddlers and gives them 2-3 handfuls. Now we have this HUGE bowl of candy sitting in our kitchen. It'll probably be full when Halloween comes around next year. We'll have to look into those dentists who buy the candy from kids next year, hehe.