I'm so sad that we are no longer in Colorado, but we're learning to embrace New Jersey. It was a long trip, but safe. Thankfully we were a day or two behind a snow storm, so the snow was melted the entire way there. Abigail and Gideon did quite well in the car...and I even drove some!! We got to spend a few days with Aunt Heather once we got to New Jersey, which was a treat. She had booked us a hotel in Dover, which was supposed to be close to where Christian was working (Franklin). We had found a great townhome and were about to sign a lease. Thankfully, Christian had gotten a phone call from the HR lady and he asked her for his work address. The next morning he got it, and we discovered that he was indeed working in Franklin. The Franklin Twp. 1.5 hours south of where we *thought* he was working. You see, New Jersey has a Franklin, a Franklin Township, and a Franklin Park. There are probably more Franklins...but I don't care to know about them, haha. We ended up getting a realtor and finding a townhome after a couple of days of looking.
After settling into our new home, I was finally able to pay attention to my children. Not that they were neglected...I just wasn't twiddling my thumbs and staring at them as usual. I noticed that my lovely little Abigail had a mullet that desperately needed to be tamed. As much as I want this child to have hair, I can't stand a mullet, haha. I'd rather her hair grow in nicely than for her to look like she found a pair of scissors on her own. So, we took her to a fantastic sams for her to get her first hair cut. The day before we took her, I prepared her by asking her if she wanted a hair cut. Even though she had no idea what that meant, she was excited about it. I figured that if I glorified it enough, she would be more willing to sit in the chair and feel like a princess. I think we happened upon the best salon. The ladies were tickled that such a little toddler was in there for a hair cut. They kept talking to her and gushing over her, and Abigail was eating it up. We also lucked out, because on her way to her chair, she saw a beanie Dora doll. She was so happy sitting in her chair with her Dora doll. At one point, she pushed Dora towards the stylist and asked her to cut Dora's hair. She told Abigail that she had already had her hair cut yesterday. She then asked Abigail if she wanted a big girl cut like Dora. Abigail was thrilled and said, "yes!" She didn't really do too much. Just a little from the sides and the mullet. The end result was so much nicer!!! I forgot to take an after shot...but the pictures of her in the car seat are the before, hehe.
The shot of Gideon is before a bath at the hotel. He LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVES baths. He crawls into the bathroom whenever there is an opportunity, stands at the tub, pats at the edge while screaming. It's so cute. He also loves to play in the toilet...that's not so cute.