Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I love Florida

Well, Abigail and I have been in Florida for almost a week. It's so nice to be around the family. It was really warm when we first got here, but, now, it's so cold. I'm currently with the Blastos family staying in their cozy condo at the beach. Ahhhhh, even though it's overcast and cold outside, I love looking at the beach. It's so refreshing. Alex is rocking Abby to sleep, Katie is sleeping, and Aunt Kim is eating cereal. It's so nice to have people that you love surrounding you.

We got to finally meet Jake! What a cutie patootie...and what a full head of Irish red hair. I'm so so so jealous. Abigail will be four before she can wear one of those bows that I made her. Oh well....at least she has my husband's beautiful eye shape to wow everyone...they'll over look the absense of hair. Oh, and the claws that we call nails are also pretty distracting...I've got to clip her nails. The poor thing has scratches EVERYWHERE.

I've been bad...we went Christmas shopping the other day, and I went a little overboard at my favorite store for Abby. Let's just say...she's going to be pretty styling until this summer. At least I got some gymbuck's out of it. We are doing Christmas a little different this year. Instead of everyone getting everyone else a gift...the six cousins and sisters (Heather, me, Krissy, Lauren, Alex, and Katie) are getting each other a secret santa gift (not so secret...we stink at those) and then something for Giles, Jake, and Abby. It's kind of fun to be the adult and watching Giles having the excitement of Santa Claus and presents. I can't wait until Abby and the rest of our kids are in that phase. Really....I just can't wait until Christian is home to watch it with me. Any way, here are a few pictures from this past week and more to come later.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Abigail can roll!!

Yesterday, Abigail reached a new milestone. She rolled for the first time!!!! Then she did it two more times. She's a stubborn little thing, though, because she refused to do it today. I'm trying to get a video, but, my camera is dead...so, until it's charged (lost the charger) I can't post any videos or pictures.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Weekend with Obasan and Ogisan

Well, on Saturday Abigail, Tupac, and I drove up to Westminster to see the Grandparents before Abby and I flew home to FL. We went to a friend of Lynda's jewelry showcase and then out to lunch with Bruce at a yummy Thai restaurant. After lunch, I had to go buy Tupac a leash and collar (I left his at home, woops). After that, we went to Lynda's church for a holiday sing along. It was soooo crowded!!!

This morning, we woke up to A LOT of snow. I can't believe how much it snowed and how COLD it was. I'll be happy to go home to FL to warmer weather, hehe. Abigail wore her Christmas outfit from Uncle Arthur and Aunt Cindy to church. She was so cute! Now we are back at home in the warm apartment looking at the beautiful snow. It's so much better to see it than to be in it when it's this thick, hehe. Thank goodness I decided to drive up yesterday rather than today. I don't even want to imagine what the interstate looks like.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christian is old

Hehe, okay, so, he's not really old, but, he's getting there ;-P. Yesterday was his 26th birthday!!! Yaaaaay. Also, last year on his birthday was the day that we found out that we were expecting Abigail. Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY LOVE!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

People think that I'm insane

Ahhh, finally some peace and quiet. I just put Abby down for her evening nap a second time. The first time I put her down was around five, and every telemarketer on the planet decided to call. Okay...so, it's an over exaggeration..but, it certainly seemed like it. Abby woke up and grumped for about an hour and I just put her back down, yipee.

I feel like today has been a successful day...I mean, I got the trash out...usually it takes about two weeks to achieve that. I dropped a couple of bags of clothing off at the Salvation Army, mailed a package off to Christian, did a load of laundry, took the trash out, unloaded and loaded the dishes...now I don't know what to do with myself. I guess I could clean the rest of the house, haha.

While we were at the post office, one of the workers thought that I was totally off of my rocker. He thought that I was strolling around a baby doll. I promised him that I was not crazy and that Abby was indeed real...just sleeping. I cannot count the amount of times that people have truly thought that Abigail was a baby doll. I hear this at least 5 times when I go out in public. Abigail needs a shirt that says, "I'm real."

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Abigail has stolen my bed!

Well, it's time for me to face the fact that Abby really needs to be in her own crib. It's to the point where, the only way for this child to nap or sleep is if I take her into my bed, lay down with her and nurse her to sleep. I've put her in the crib a few times, and she'll sleep there for a few hours, but, I think I'll have to wait until after Christmas to really become strict about the whole crying, holding, sleeping in mommy's bed thing. There's no way that I'm bringing her pack n play with me.

She was good at church today, and, looked really cute. It makes me sad that she won't be fitting into this dress for much longer, but, oh well...at least she's growing and that means she's healthy! Yay for healthy babies.

Well, yesterday was an interesting day. I was nursing Abigail on the couch, and took my hand off of her for ONE SECOND. As soon as I started to put my hand back on her, she wasn't there. I looked down to see her fall on her head :-(. It's such a horrible feeling. She was quite alright, but, she definitely scared her mommy. I introduced her to some cereal, and, though she liked it, I think I'll wait another couple of months before continuing with it. I prefer the breast milk poop, haha.
So, I don't know if anyone knew...but, I have an obsession. It's quite sad. It's over cloth diapers. I just think that they are so stinkin cute. The kind that I use for Abigail at night are hands down my favorite, but, too expensive to have every one that I would like. It used to be that, once the owner stocked her store, they would be sold out in seconds...literally, thousands of these diapers were gone before you could check out with them. (Cabbage Patch memories, haha.). Well, they are finally an in-stock store, and, OMG(osh)...I'm totally lusting over what I'm seeing.

If only I had $5,000 in play money, haha. Anyone want to buy me, ahem, I mean Abigail a diaper for Christmas? :-P

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Abigail's first belly laugh

Today, in desperation to get into shape, I came up with a new exercise. I layed down on my back, bent my knees and layed Abby on them. While holding onto her, I rocked back and forth. It worked great not only for my tummy, but for Abby to let out her first ever belly laugh. It was so amazing to hear!!! She just loved to look down on her mommy's face. Though, assoon as I put the camera in front of my face to get a picture of her laughing, she would stop, as you can see in the last two pictures.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Play time

We had a short tummy/back play time today. Abby doesn't like it too much, but, I guess it's important :-P.

Friday, November 28, 2008

More pictures from Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving with the Hirota's and Krissy

On Wendesday, I flew back to Colorado from San Diego. We were late arriving to the airport, but, it was quite nice. I went straight to check in, flew through security, and then right onto the plane. Gotta love having a baby, everyone wants to help and you never have to wait in line ;-P. Not long after I boarded the plane, Abigail wanted to eat, which was great because she ate during take off and giggled at the lady next to me for half of the flight. The other half she slept and then woke up to eat as we were landing. I couldn't have asked for a better trip. As soon as I got off, I called Lynda, and she was already there with Justin waiting for me to arrive. We went straight to baggage and there were my bags, already there for me. I've never had such a smooth trip, haha.

Not long after we got home, I drove up to Ft. Collins to pick Krissy up. I left Abby with her Obasan and Uncle Justin, so, I was able to talk to my daddy on the way up, and then had a really good chat with Krissy on the way down. I love my family. Tupac was THRILLED to see Krissy. I think he loves her more than me, hehe. I missed that dog so much while I was gone...I don't know what I'm going to do over Christmas with out him. I wish he was smaller so that he could fly on the plane.

We ate the next day and it was soooooooooooo yummy. Oddly, I was most excited about crescent rolls, haha. Abby was pretty good that day, besides the blowout all over her Thanksgiving outfit five minutes after putting it on. Abigail LOVES Justin. Every time that they looked at each other, she would start cooing. She also fell asleep on him, it was so so cute. What a lucky baby girl to have such loving Aunts and Uncle. I'll add more pictures of the day after I get home :-).

Saturday, November 15, 2008

San Diego (Encinitas) is AWESOME!

So, Abigail and I have been in San Diego with my family since Tuesday and it has been such a wonderful stay so far!! It was so weird to leave 50 degree weather and to arrive in San Diego where it was between 70 and 90 degrees.

On Wednesday, we picked Alex up from her appt. and went to lunch at Pizza Nova. It was so yummy! I had A LOT of garlic....as did Abigail around three hours later. I think she enjoyed it..which is a good thing because I really want her to enjoy garlicy foods. After we dropped Alex off at school, Aunt Kim and Abigail and I went to Target to look for Abigail's baby gift. Aunt Kim got her a bumbo, Baby Einsteins tape, and some toys. I'm in love with the bumbo! It's perfect for sitting her down so I can get something done, and she is a happy little peach. She also likes to sit in it to watch tv (what am I in for...she already loves the television, yikes).

On Thursday, we went to the commissary where Aunt Kim was in HEAVEN. She said that it had been 14 years since she was able to shop there. She enjoyed it so much, and, she cut her grocery budget in half this month. It made me happy to help. I figure, I don't use the benefits, so, why not allow a veteran to have them. The commissary in Colorado Springs doesn't save as much as it does here in California, where prices are way too high.

Yesterday Abby and I went to the mall and found a gift for baby Jake. Then mommy got a few clothing items because maternity clothes are just not looking right anymore. I figure that it's okay to buy a few clothes because, I'm only going to be pregnant again and back at this size some day in the future. Though, I do have to say...I despise shopping for myself. Especially with a crying baby. This mall was really neat...they had a family lounge with three nursing rooms. VERY convenient. After Aunt Kim picked us up, we went to see the end of the vollyball game. They are supposed to be AMAZING...as in one of the top teams in California.

Today, we are going out to find a present for Giles (from me), a present for Katie's friend (she's going to a sweet sixteen today), and then just to look around.

Monday, November 10, 2008

just a few more pictures from this weekend.

This past weekend, Abigail, Tupac and I drove up to my in laws. We always have so much fun...and eat lots of good food. We also went to Aunt Krissy's to hang out for a little while and to drop Tupac off. It feels so weird to leave him behind and I already miss him so much!!! We leave for California tomorrow and I'm so so excited! Anyways, here are a few pictures from this weekend. I swear that Abigail is not obese...though, she looks that way in a few of the pictures.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Daddy woke Abigail

Well, Christian called while I was taking a photo of Abigail sleeping. Alas, this nap was a short one.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

This past Saturday, we had a girls day at Jessica's. I know I wrote about it before, but, I wanted to add a few pictures of Abigail and Noah together. They were so cute!

I've been busy busy busy. Abigail and I are flying to California next Tuesday for two weeks!!! I'm so excited. I've already started packing, hehe.