Well, Abigail and I have been in Florida for almost a week. It's so nice to be around the family. It was really warm when we first got here, but, now, it's so cold. I'm currently with the Blastos family staying in their cozy condo at the beach. Ahhhhh, even though it's overcast and cold outside, I love looking at the beach. It's so refreshing. Alex is rocking Abby to sleep, Katie is sleeping, and Aunt Kim is eating cereal. It's so nice to have people that you love surrounding you.
We got to finally meet Jake! What a cutie patootie...and what a full head of Irish red hair. I'm so so so jealous. Abigail will be four before she can wear one of those bows that I made her. Oh well....at least she has my husband's beautiful eye shape to wow everyone...they'll over look the absense of hair. Oh, and the claws that we call nails are also pretty distracting...I've got to clip her nails. The poor thing has scratches EVERYWHERE.
I've been bad...we went Christmas shopping the other day, and I went a little overboard at my favorite store for Abby. Let's just say...she's going to be pretty styling until this summer. At least I got some gymbuck's out of it. We are doing Christmas a little different this year. Instead of everyone getting everyone else a gift...the six cousins and sisters (Heather, me, Krissy, Lauren, Alex, and Katie) are getting each other a secret santa gift (not so secret...we stink at those) and then something for Giles, Jake, and Abby. It's kind of fun to be the adult and watching Giles having the excitement of Santa Claus and presents. I can't wait until Abby and the rest of our kids are in that phase. Really....I just can't wait until Christian is home to watch it with me. Any way, here are a few pictures from this past week and more to come later.
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