Happy Valentines Day Christian!!! We miss you :-) and love you :-).
It's been a rough week with sickness, mourning, and playing catch up. For those who may not know, my Grandmother passed away a couple of weeks ago, but, it wasn't until this past week that it really hit me. I'm doing fine, it's just hard to realize that she's truly gone. Abby and I both had something this past week that we got from the nursery. It's pretty much gone, but, we still have the cough left. I have NO voice. I sound so funny every time I try to talk, and, if I try to talk for too long, my voice is completely gone. It's been nice to be able to rest all week, but, looking around at everything that needs to be done is a bit overwhelming. At least I got my taxes done!!!
Abby is such a cutie patootie these days (okay...when has she not been :-P). I can't keep her on her tummy, though. As soon as I put her down, she flips over to her back. How is she ever going to learn how to crawl if she won't stay on her tummy. She's using her hands a lot more, grabbing things and making silly gestures. When she falls asleep, one arm will start beating the bed...and sometimes me. Abby's also learning to sit a little better on her own, but, she still falls, teehee. It's so funny to see her tip side ways :-P...not that I let that happen to often. She's starting to eat cereal and baby food on a regular basis. I think that her favorite, so far, are peas. She's not a fan of the sweeter things, such as bananas and peaches.
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