A few pictures of Abby recently. You can really tell that she is beginning to look more and more like her daddy!!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I'm a horrible mom, haha.
I had today off of work and desperately needed to clean. This is how I was able to distract Abby for a little while. She is watching baby Einsteins and literally swimming in Cheerios. I had to take her out of the Bumbo because the Cheerios somehow ended up under her and she was sliding all over the place, haha. She is now happily sitting on the blanket surrounded by Cheerios and toys. It's funny because as I am typing this, I can hear her fuss for about two seconds, silence, and then smacking, haha. I'm sure her train of thought is, "I want to be held, I want to be held! Oh, a Cheerio! Mmmmmmm!"
Saturday, March 21, 2009
A continuation.
A Day in Boulder
After we came home from Boulder, Christian called and we chatted with him on Skype for a little while. It's so neat to be able to see him as we talk. I'm so excited that we have less than two months until he is home again. After talking to him, I packed up the car and drove back to Colorado Springs. I wish time didn't fly so quickly when having fun. It was a much needed break, though, and I feel so rejuvenated.
Friday, March 20, 2009
So, I'm in Westminster with Abby and Tupac for a couple of days. We came down to watch Lynda's concert and to hang out. Today we went tout to eat at The Delectable Egg and then ran a few errands in Boulder. Now we are back at their apartment relaxing until tonight's concert.
Abby has a new thing now. She keeps sticking her tongue out and licking her lips over and over and over. I have no idea why she is doing it, but, it's quite amusing, haha. So, if you ever see any photos of her with her tongue sticking out, she's probably doing it.
The pictures on the blue carpet are from earlier today while we were running errands. We were at one of Lynda's client's office for a few minutes and I let Abby sit on the floor to play for a little while. The picture of Abby in her car seat is from when we were out at breakfast. And last, but not least, the pictuers of Abby in her jammies are from last night, haha.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
A new day a wonderful day
This weekend (Friday and Saturday) has been so wonderful. Lynda came down yesterday and we spent the day together. First, we went to lunch at Borriello Brothers. We got a thin crust pizza with cheese on one side and then mushrooms and pepperoni on the other. Oh my goodness, it was so good! Lynda even said it was the best that she had! I'm glad that Christian suggested that I take her there for the thin crust! After that, we stopped by Gymboree to pick up Abby's Easter dress...and...ended up with a few extra's. It's almost impossible to walk into that store for one thing and to not walk out with more than I planned. Thank goodness they had an amazing sale going on AND I had a coupon to use on top of that. Yay!
Today was a good day! I had a work meeting at 9. Poor Abby had to go because I have no one to watch her and she's nursed. She did pretty well, but, she did get a little fussy. It's always rejuvenating to recap and discuss. After the meeting, Valerie and I went to order the cake for Trent's party. I'm excited to see how it turns out. Then I stopped by Target to get Vick's babyrub since poor Abby's cough is not clearing up. I guess that all of this combined wore her out, because once we finally got home, she only played for a couple of hours and then wanted to nap. She took a TWO HOUR NAP for the first time every. I was shocked. I even went in a couple of times to check to see if she was still okay! Once she woke up, I decided to try out babyfood again (it's been on a hiatus for a few weeks) and she almost ate the entire jar. Then, I layed her down and she went to sleep for the night with no fussing. I swear someone swapped Abby out for another child today. It's never been this easy. Abby is definitely not a hard child, but, wow...if every day was like this, I would get so much more done, haha. Anyways, here's a picture from when Lynda and I went to lunch yesterday.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Christian and I now have a new way to communicate! I downloaded Skype onto my computer, so, now we just use the video feature and can see each other while we talk. I love it! Here are a few pictures from last Sunday, when Bruce came down. We went out to eat at Jake and Telly's...the best Greek restaurant!!! We got gyros and they were delicious. We also got ice cream from the creamery, which, is quite amazing. I am beginning to love Colorado springs now that I am discovering all of these neat places.
Abigail is so adorable these days. She loves being around people. She'll chat and smile with anyone. She loves rolling around, but, she is finally beginning to push herself backwards, which happens before crawling. She is also sitting up on her own! Yay..she rarely falls (but still does). She stopped eating baby food and rice cereal :-(. I don't know what to do about that, but, she'll eat almost an entire box of cheerios haha. Okay, that's an exaggeration, but, she really does love them. I'm beginning to wean her off of the pacifier, so, cheerios are perfect for soothing her :-D. Anywhoo...enjoy the pictures from when Bruce came down.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
It's been a crazy week. I crashed my wonderful husbands computer. Whoops, I still don't know what I did, haha, but, it's waiting for him to get home to check it out. I miss him so so much!!! ONLY TWO MORE MONTHS UNTIL HE'S HOME!!!
Lynda came down here yesterday and we went to a new place to lunch. It's a cute teahouse that has a table from each country. It was so neat. After that we went to vitamin cottage and then came back home. She made some very good chicken for me to eat off for the week and then we watched part of Australia. Bruce should be coming down today, too. Yipee!!!
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