Christian and I now have a new way to communicate! I downloaded Skype onto my computer, so, now we just use the video feature and can see each other while we talk. I love it! Here are a few pictures from last Sunday, when Bruce came down. We went out to eat at Jake and Telly's...the best Greek restaurant!!! We got gyros and they were delicious. We also got ice cream from the creamery, which, is quite amazing. I am beginning to love Colorado springs now that I am discovering all of these neat places.
Abigail is so adorable these days. She loves being around people. She'll chat and smile with anyone. She loves rolling around, but, she is finally beginning to push herself backwards, which happens before crawling. She is also sitting up on her own! Yay..she rarely falls (but still does). She stopped eating baby food and rice cereal :-(. I don't know what to do about that, but, she'll eat almost an entire box of cheerios haha. Okay, that's an exaggeration, but, she really does love them. I'm beginning to wean her off of the pacifier, so, cheerios are perfect for soothing her :-D. Anywhoo...enjoy the pictures from when Bruce came down.
1 comment:
aww, wow, cheerio's? Shannon, you look so pretty!!! I love you
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