It has been a while since I've last blogged, but, for a good reason. Christian came home from Iraq on Sunday, May 10. It was the best Mother's Day present I or Lynda could ask for. Abby took to him very well and has become quite the daddy's girl. Though, I still supply her comfort, haha...so, if she's tired or grumpy, she's still handed to me.
Lynda, Abby, and I greeted Christian at the airport on Sunday morning. We came home immediately so that we could relax for a little while, though, we did have to stop by Sonics first, so that Christian could have a breakfast burrito and limeade. Sadly, Chick-Fil-A was his first choice, but, it was Sunday, and closed. Bruce drove down later that morning to see Christian. We went to Whole Foods to get food for dinner. Lynda made steak and veggies and it was so yummy!
On Monday, Christian and I had a fun day. We went out to Chick-Fil-A for breakfast and Panera bread for lunch. We also went to see Star Trek :-). It was soooooooo amazing. Sadly, Christian got food poisoning from one of those places and was feeling the effects of it later that night. On Tuesday, Christian spent the entire day in bed :-(.
On Wednesday, Ben, Christian's best friend came up from FL to visit. We hung out in Colorado Springs for a couple of days and then headed up to Estes Park (one of Christian's and my favorite places!!). We got to see a lot of elk and eat some yummy food! Christian's Uncle Arthur and Aunt Cindy came to visit us while we were staying there. We went to a Jazz festivle with them and then out to eat at a really neat restaurant. Abby loved the italian, and, the staff there loved her. They also gave us a free round of drinks for Christian's service to our Country. Before we left, we stapled a dollar to the wall with our name, date, and why we were visiting. The next morning Ben left early and we packed up as well.
We went back to Colorado Springs for a couple of days to get some errands done and to spend more time just relaxing. Well, I guess we were too bored, because, we ended up buying a television, haha. We watched some Planet Earth, which, was soooooooooooo neat in HD. The next day, Lynda drove Justin (Christian's brother) down from the airport. We went to lunch at Borriello Brother's and had some yummy thin crust pizza. From there, Lynda headed back to Westminster, and, Christian, Justin, Abby, and I headed back to the apartment. We pretty much hung out until the next morning, when we left to come up to Westminster.
On Saturday, we had yummy French Toast for breakfast, and RAMEN for lunch! After lunch, the guys headed out to the Nuggets game. Lynda and I got a babysitter and went to see Star Trek (yes, it's worth it to see it two times). When we all got back, we just relaxed at home. This morning, Christian, Lynda, Abby, and I went to Church. Bruce had to take Justin to the airport :-(...where he sat all day since his plane was delayed. After church, we went to Einsteins for bagels. From there, Lynda went to the nursing home to read and sing while Chrsitian and I had some fun at Best Buy, Old Navy, and Borders. For Lunch, we met up at a Japanese restaurant and ate ate ate (that's what we do). Now we are packing up ready to go home so we can relax the last couple of days before Christian goes home.
I promise to add pictures later on tonight. There are soooo many. I might have to make two posts for pictures.
I'm so glad he's home and you guys get to spend some time together as a family!
I LOVE the pictures! It's great to see Christian with you guys! I also love the one of Abby trying to lick the rain off of the window...hehehe!
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