Well, there's nothing much new going on. I have found out over the past week that my child is a purse lover... It's kind of odd, but, I guess she does she me with the diaper bag all of the time. A couple of days ago, she pulled a wristlet out of my diaper bag, and, decided she would put it over her shoulder. She does this every time she digs it out!! Oh, and, she also puts it around her dolls neck.....-_-...don't know what to think about that, haha.
The pictures with the bow are from a few days ago on my way to work, and, then when we got home and she was playing with the wristlet. The pictures of Abby in the hunting dress are from this morning. My uncle got the dress for Abigail this past Christmas. Uncle Kenny and my Papa Trick LOVE to hunt, and, he got a kick out of the dress. I decided that Abby would get to wear it today. I had no idea that it was a 3-6, for some reason, I thought it was a 12 month. So, she will only get to wear it a few times. Darn this child who's growing too fast :-( :-(. Her birthday is only 15 days away :-(.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Abigail has learned a new trick in one day. She now likes to climb in and out of her bumbo on her own. This usually results in her getting stuck in an odd position, but, that doesn't stop her. As soon as I help her out, she's trying to get right back in. I'm not too fond of how she likes to get out, though. She throws her body to one side and allows herself to fall out. She doesn't seem to mind, but, I can only imagine the possible injuries. Just a few minutes ago, she decided to bring her doll into the bumbo with her. They both got stuck in the same position, haha. Sorry that the picture isn't all that great, the lighting wasn't the greatest.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Surprise to those who didn't know, but, Christian and I are expecting another baby :-D! The tech said she thought it was a boy at my 12 week ultrasound, but, it's very iffy when they guess this early. I'll have the 20 week in about 8 weeks, and, we'll most likely know for sure :-). Abigail has been cutting her top two canine teeth, and, while she has been her regular happy self, her diapers have been a horror. I've never experience so many blow outs and carpet scrubbings before, but, hey, that's what being a parent is about, right? Her cruising is getting better, as well as craftier. It's great that she can get into her toys, but, not too great that she can get into the computer and other supplies. We are planning on getting a baby gate that extends across the room. That way, she can stay on the side with all of her toys, but, far far away from the kitchen and computer area. We are still in the process of baby proofing over there...whoops. Yesterday, I was over at Jessica's to keep her company while her gutters were installed. Abigail saw Noah sipping out of a straw cup, and, decided that she wasnted to try it. She did pretty well with it, but, she still made a good mess on the floor. I may get a few in the future, but, I'd rather teach her to use a real cup. Oh, and, as for the crate pictures. I promise I haven't been watching too many episodes of Scrubs. We indeed use it as a dog crate and NOT a baby cage. Abigail crawled in for the first time, so, I had to get a few pictures. I make sure to keep it locked now when Tupac isn't in it, haha. She still likes to try to get it.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Lynda came down to Colorado Springs to visit Abigail, Tupac, and me. It's been a really fun weekend. Yesterday, we took Abigail to Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. Last time that we had gone, Abigail was scared of all of the animals. This time around, she had a pretty good time! It was Lynda's first time at this zoo, and, she LOVED it. It actually wasn't too hot out, so, we enjoyed walking up the hills and all of the exercise. We also came across a few exhibits that I hadn't seen before, which kept things interesting for me :-).
Today, we went to Helen Hunt Falls after breakfast. It's so so pretty!!! We noticed a little picnic area by a creek. It was so nice, that, we went to pick up some lunch and brought it back. I can't wait until Christian comes home and I can bring him there. He had wanted to go before he left, but, we never got the opportunity to go. There are also a few really good trails in the area, and, even better, the whole park is FREE FREE FREE! I love free things.
A couple of days ago, Abigail got a birthday package from her Aunt Sarah. She got a pretty dress and a fabric book. She LOVED the book! There are a few pictures of her in the dress and playing with the book.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Abigail turned 11 months old yesterday, meaning...she now has one month to go until she 1 :-(! I don't think I'm ready to have a 1 year old. She marked this special day by having a first. She took her first bath without her ducky assistance, haha. She LOVED being able to move around the entire tub. She was crawling and rolling all over the place. I can't wait until Christian comes home, because he'll be the one doing bedtime routine, hehehe. He'll get to watch how much fun she has in the tub.
Another thing that Abigail is now doing is cruising along furniture. It's fun to see, but, oh my! I need new places to hide things. I use to be able to put things on the ottoman so they were just out of her reach, but, she can now easily get to them. I'll have to find a new place for Christian's coffee table books, since, she is especially attracted to them. One has already lost a page, whoops. On top of cruising, Abby likes to crawl on top and into things. I have a tub of ribbon out so I can make bows for a friends little girl. It is currently on the floor against the sliding glass door, so, Abigail loves to crawl on it, and pull herself into a standing position against the door. It's quite scary!! She also likes to crawl into the bumbo and use it as a stepping stool. I have it against her toy shelf, so, she crawl into it, stand, and start to pull all sorts of toys out to throw on the ground. Seriously...I take two seconds to fill her sippy cup, and, these are only two of the horrifying pictures I have come back to.
Another would be her adventure in the bathroom. I had left Abigail in the hallway, to, yet again fill her sippy cup. When I returned, she was no where to be found. Then, I heard a "kerplunk" and "splash". Scared that Abigail might have fallen in the toilet somehow, I ran to the bathroom. I found her standing at the toilet looking in...meaning, if she wasn't in there, something else was. A few things actually. The two nobs covering the nails on the toilet were in there, as well as a metal hand thing from the toilet pipe...thing, haha. Now, the apartment we live in is very old, so, these things are easily removeable. I had scrubbed that bathroom the night before, so, everything was in it's proper place...I don't know how she picks out these things. Needless to say...there is now a babygate in the hallway and to that bathroom.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I've been in Westminster since Friday visiting with Lynda and Bruce. On Friday, we went to Boulder for lunch. I can't remember the name of the place, but, it was a sushi chain that was pretty decent. Nothing holds a candle to sushi tora, but, it was still yummy!!!! After wards, we went to Haagan Daz (I know that's spelled incorrectly...I don't feel like correcting it, haha.) for some ice cream and then walked around Pearl Street Mall. It was pretty warm out, but, it felt so nice in the shade!!!
Once we left Boulder, we found a Kmart on the way home. I tend to spend a little too much time on forums, but, this past week, it proved to be somewhat beneficial. I had been waiting for Target's major clearance sell to pick up birthday and Christmas presents for Abigail, my little cousins, and friend's two boys. Well, a big discussion on the forum this past week was about Kmart's huge clearance sale!!!! Anything that was on clearance was marked an extra 50% off! People were finding toys that were originally $70 for $11, $80 for $8.50...just crazy deals. I though to myself, what am I waiting for?? So, needless to say, I've been to far too many Kmarts to ever want to go again. I did, though, find gifts for all previously mentioned children :-)
On Saturday, we headed to the aquarium in Denver for lunch. Their restuarant has this wall that is a fish tank. It was so neat, and, Abigail loved it. She was asleep for most of lunch, but, once she woke up, she was in such a good mood, and, she really enjoyed watching all of the fish. Afterwards, we drove through a canyon in Boulder that was beautiful. And, Abigail took another long nap, haha. We went to a Starbuck's on the way back, and, of course another Kmart (had to finish snatching up the good deals)! Later on that afternoon, Lynda had a choir bbq that we all went to. It was so much fun, and, the food was YUMMY!!! It's been awhile since I've had true bbq! The guy made his own sauce, too, which was amazing.
Today, I went to Lynda's church. It was a really good sermon, and..like most of this week, Abigail just slept in the nursery, haha. I think we are wearing her out! After church, we headed to the Delectable Egg for brunch, and, now we are back at the apt. hanging out. I am going to a choir rehearsal later on. I was invited to sing with Lynda's choir next month, which, is very exciting. It's been a very long time since I've sung with a group.
Anyways, here are a few pictures. My friend, Jessica, picked a slide set up for Abigail. She doesn't use it much yet, but, I'm sure once she's movng around a bit more, she will. I'm teaching Abigail to drink from a cup instead of a sippy. For some bizzare reason, I thought it would be a good idea to start out on the carpet...but, I think we'll be moving these practice sessions to the tub! Oh...and the pictures of Abby in the yellow dress are of her eating a popsicle. She was being a peach while teething, and, it was pretty much the only way to keep her from crying. She really enjoyed it!!!