I've been in Westminster since Friday visiting with Lynda and Bruce. On Friday, we went to Boulder for lunch. I can't remember the name of the place, but, it was a sushi chain that was pretty decent. Nothing holds a candle to sushi tora, but, it was still yummy!!!! After wards, we went to Haagan Daz (I know that's spelled incorrectly...I don't feel like correcting it, haha.) for some ice cream and then walked around Pearl Street Mall. It was pretty warm out, but, it felt so nice in the shade!!!
Once we left Boulder, we found a Kmart on the way home. I tend to spend a little too much time on forums, but, this past week, it proved to be somewhat beneficial. I had been waiting for Target's major clearance sell to pick up birthday and Christmas presents for Abigail, my little cousins, and friend's two boys. Well, a big discussion on the forum this past week was about Kmart's huge clearance sale!!!! Anything that was on clearance was marked an extra 50% off! People were finding toys that were originally $70 for $11, $80 for $8.50...just crazy deals. I though to myself, what am I waiting for?? So, needless to say, I've been to far too many Kmarts to ever want to go again. I did, though, find gifts for all previously mentioned children :-)
On Saturday, we headed to the aquarium in Denver for lunch. Their restuarant has this wall that is a fish tank. It was so neat, and, Abigail loved it. She was asleep for most of lunch, but, once she woke up, she was in such a good mood, and, she really enjoyed watching all of the fish.
Afterwards, we drove through a canyon in Boulder that was beautiful. And, Abigail took another long nap, haha. We went to a Starbuck's on the way back, and, of course another Kmart (had to finish snatching up the good deals)! Later on that afternoon, Lynda had a choir bbq that we all went to. It was so much fun, and, the food was YUMMY!!! It's been awhile since I've had true bbq! The guy made his own sauce, too, which was amazing.
Today, I went to Lynda's church. It was a really good sermon, and..like most of this week, Abigail just slept in the nursery, haha. I think we are wearing her out! After church, we headed to the Delectable Egg for brunch, and, now we are back at the apt. hanging out. I am going to a choir rehearsal later on. I was invited to sing with Lynda's choir next month, which, is very exciting. It's been a very long time since I've sung with a group.
Anyways, here are a few pictures. My friend, Jessica, picked a slide set up for Abigail. She doesn't use it much yet, but, I'm sure once she's movng around a bit more, she will. I'm teaching Abigail to drink from a cup instead of a sippy. For some bizzare reason, I thought it would be a good idea to start out on the carpet...but, I think we'll be moving these practice sessions to the tub! Oh...and the pictures of Abby in the yellow dress are of her eating a popsicle. She was being a peach while teething, and, it was pretty much the only way to keep her from crying. She really enjoyed it!!!
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