Lynda came down yesterday to spend the weekend. We went to eat a a new to us restaurant in Old Colorado City. We opted to sit outside, since, the weather has been absolutely wonderful for the past week. Yesterday the high was 74, and, though it was cloudy out, it felt so nice. I got a meatball panini, and, Lynda got the quiche. We both were very happy with what we had!!!! Oh, and Abigail had some potato wedges, haha. She only ate a couple, since, she had some oranges beforehand. Right as we finished eating, it began to rain a little bit. By the time we went inside and paid for lunch, it stopped.
After lunch, we dropped Abigail off at my friend, Jessica's, home and then headed out to see Harry Potter. It was a pretty good movie. I was happy to find that they are splitting the last book in two movies. It just seemed to have more depth than the last few. The beginning was a bit dragged out, but, again, I much prefer that to not having enough information. This was also the first book that I haven't read, so, maybe that's another reason I was more satisfied with the movie, haha. After the movie, we picked Abigail up and found out that poor Jessica had been dealing with massive diaper explosions. I guess introducing oranges to Abigail earlier that day was NOT a good idea, hahaha. They did not sit well with her tummy.
Today, I went to pick up some Dunkin Doughnuts, and, found that all of the Springs had the same idea. The line was out the door, and, one of the ladies there mentioned that it had been like that since 7:45 am. At least it was moving quickly. We are now home with full bellies waiting for Christian to call. After that, we'll go pick up some lunch and take it to Seven Falls! I love that place!
Here's a couple of pictures from few minutes ago. Abigail was playing with a book :-P.
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