Christian has been away for a couple of weeks in the field, therefore, I have been learning how to handle two on my own. Surprisingly, it hasn't been as difficult as I thought that it would be. God has given me two arms, and, I've found them to be very useful, haha. As long as Abigail is good and holds on to my hand, we're safe. Though, we have had plenty of episodes of my stubborn 19 month old sitting in the middle of a crosswalk on the way to work....during rush hour, no less.
Lynda came down this weekend to see the babies and to help out, which, I'm always so so so so so thankful for. We decided to go out to lunch at Outback immediately after she got here. Unfortunately, upon pulling into their parking lot, we found out that they aren't open for lunch, haha. We ended up going Chilis, instead. We split yummy steak fajitas, and, Abigail pigged out on tomato slices. I promise you, two months ago, she wouldn't touch a tomato, but, now she loves them. It's fine with me, haha....I'll take whatever fresh fruit or veggie that I can get into her.
We headed out to the grocery store afterward since we had heard about a possible snow storm coming through. We recently had a ton of snow, so, we wanted to be prepared, haha. Turns out, there wasn't a lot of snow. Oh well :-P.
Today, I found online that there was supposed to be an Easter Egg Hunt in Old Colorado City. Abigail is at a stage where she loves to put all sorts of things into her Halloween pumpkin, so, thought that Abigail would love it. It started at 11:00 for the 0-3 year olds, and, we got there around 11:15. Well...by that time it was over :-(. Some of the parents that got there at 11:03 told us that it was already over by the time they got there. So...next year we will get there at 10:30, haha. They did have a huge bin filled with recycled plastic eggs, so, I pulled a few out and gave them to Abigail to put in her basket, and she was very pleased with that!
After we left the park, we headed to a Mexican restaurant near me. Every time we drive past that place, we would say that we had to try it...so we finally did today. I'm glad that we did!!! The food was really good, and, the staff was AMAZING!!! It's a family owned restaurant, and, the people are so kind and genuine. I can't wait until I can bring Christian there!
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