Well, things have been a little crazy lately. Abigail has rapidly begun to learn to crawl. A few weeks ago, I thought that she was maybe a little delayed in development as far as crawling, but, she has been proving me wrong. She was just skipping certain signs, such as crawling backwards. I guess what really made me nervous was that she was trying to pull up on furniture before she showed any interest in crawling. I was afraid that she would walk first. I started to put her on her tummy more and hoped that by putting toys and other desired objects (such as Tupac, haha) just out of her reach, she would try to get to them. Well, it worked, a little faster than I thought that it would. Silly me thought that it would take a while and that with Christian coming home next month, I would have until then to really baby proof. WRONG! So, that is what we have been up to for the past few days.
In a state of panic, I called my friend and fellow mommy, Jessica, and begged her to help me!!! She loves to organize and decorate and is just overall so much better at keeping a home than I am. Over a three day span, we worked tiredlessly late into the night (hehe, we're wimps, we couldn't stay up all night) to tear down some furniture, hang up shelves, put together furniture, anchored said furniture, reassemple electronics (or got her handy dandy husband to do that, haha), put together a toy section for Abby, finished her nursery, ORGANIZED, and now we are only left with my and Christian's bedroom and baby proofing the kitchen cabinets. I am going to try to do that sometime next week. We did attempt, but, it's hard getting those locks on these cabinets! We actually made it a job for either Tim or Christian, bwahahahahah.
In all of this mass chaos, I missed the debut of Abby's second tooth!!! As I was downstairs nursing her at work, Abby gave a precious little smile and there it was! A brand new baby tooth! She is so cute with her two little baby teeth! She has only bit me a few times, so, I consider myself lucky. It does hurt like crazy!!! I'm sad that her toothless little grin is going, but, baby teeth are also cute! We actually took the time to brush her teeth for the first time the other day. While she was taking a bath in her ducky, I tried out her new tooth brush and tooth paste, and, she didn't seem to mind it that much. Now if only I could do this with Tupac as well, haha.
Abby is still quite clingy, and, we are working on it. Jessica and I had an encouraging talk last night about just letting her cry it out. It's bad to the point of, in my own home, I cannot walk out of the room without her panicking and crying because she cannot see me. Jessica kindly let me know that if she isn't hungry, doesn't need a diaper change, and it's just her feelings that are hurt, she'll be okay. She needs to be self sufficient. Well, it really was starting to take a toll on me! So, I just put it into action. I put her in her execauser, came over here to finish this blog and let her cry for....two minutes, haha. She's now chatting away and playing by herself! How exciting!!! OH, and we are really working on getting her to sleep in her crib!!! She does great for naps, it's just bed time that's rough! We are getting there, though!
If you haven't heard the very wonderful and exciting news, Christian is coming home early next month. He leaves Iraq the second week of May and will be home for 18 days!!!!! Time is flying by really fast, and, he'll be here in no time :-D :-D!!! After he returns to Iraq, he will only have four more months of his tour left! I can't wait until things are normal again!!
Here are a few pictures of the last week, including some of Jessica's and my work. Oh, and, I made a new bow holder!!! I painted it by myself, as well as the letters above Abby's crib. I had so much fun doing those!!! And, we are still working on the computer area, haha...don't mind the mess there.
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