If you are wondering about my title, I just got off of Skype from talking to Christian. I always feel elated when I get to talk to and see him. It's just so reassuring!!!
We had a blizzard yesterday, so, I may not have to go to work today, yay....we'll see how that pans out later on.
Yesterday, after I got off of work, I had a few errands to run w/ Abby. The first was to a bank on the south side of town. After I went there, I drove the few miles to order my contacts. As I was pulling into the eye care center, I notice very large and very obvious Chase bank next door....mrah, the exact bank that I had wasted 20 minutes driving to. I was so annoyed, that, instead of driving all the way to Walmart for the third errand...I decided that I would go to Target, which, is in the same plaza. I thought that that would make me feel better, but, I was even more annoyed that I could have just gone to one place to get everything done.
Anyways, while looking at hand vacuums in Target, Abigail had a MELTDOWN. She didn't want to nurse (WHAT???), she didn't want a Cheerio (DOUBLE WHAT!!?!?!?!?!?), and she didn't want to sleep (kind of typical). I didn't know what to do, but, if you've heard that child scream, it's blood curdling. I had all sorts of women come over to see if I needed help, they actually looked frightened. I tried to remain composed and collected and let them know that everything was okay and that Abigail was not injured, just throwing a fit. Anyways, Abby finally took to her paci, and along with me bouncing her around she calmed down. While I was putting Abby in her carseat, she began screaming again, I couldn't find the pacifier that she spit out, so, I stuck my finger in her mouth to calm her while I frantically looked for the pacifier. Lo and Behold, I felt the ridges of HER FIRST TOOTH!!! That explained everything and I promptly fed the poor child some teething tablets!
Abby is such a good baby. She never really fussed through teething until it actually broke skin. I felt so bad when we got home that I gave her ice water, rubbed her gums, more teething tablets and even tylenol. She also took the longest nap EVER. I would say around 3 hours. Christian noticed that she looked larger and different from the last time he saw her on Skype, so, she's changing fast :-(.
The pictures that I'm putting up are from Tuesday at work and this past Sunday. Krissy came to visit us, and, after church on Sunday, I drove her up to Denver. On our way there, we stopped at the Castle Rock outlet mall (hehehehe). Surprisingly, I didn't buy Abby anything, instead, I picked up a few things for Christian and me. Sadly, I was not able to find royal blue shoes for Christian :-(. He really might just have to ductape the ones that he has, haha. I feel like I'm shopping for a three year old when it comes to Christian and shoes. He's so picky!
Anyhoo, after Castle Rock, we headed to Denver to meet Zach (Krissy's boyfriend) for dinner. Kristen has a friend from Pensacola who manages a restaurant, so, that's where we went. Yay for discounts!!! It was yummy and Abby even managed to swipe a few fries.
Hahaha.. christian and his blue shoes.. did you ever look on Ebay?
Yay! Abby's first tooth!! How cute :) I can't wait to see the two of you at the end of this week :)
P.S. you should check out my blog, "everything new" from yesterday
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