Well, I haven't taken any pictures today, so, I guess that makes me bad, haha. But, I do have a few pictures from these past couple of weeks that I haven't been able to share, yet.
The first one is of Abby's new bow holder that I MADE! Yay...I'm proud of myself. I guess I shouldn't brag too much, since, all I had to do was hot glue three pieces of ribbon to a wooden letter "A". If you remember the previously mentioned trip to Target when Abby had a major meltdown, that is when I found the wooden "A" for A DOLLAR, yippee! I already had the ribbon at home, so, it was cheap to make :-D.
The second picture is from last Saturday. I had a work meeting from 9 am to 12 pm. After the meeting, I stopped by Jessica's for a little bit, and then, came home! Nothing too exciting, but, I did dress Abby up in the dress that Aunt Krissy got her the weekend before. If you haven't been able to tell yet, I love dressing Abby up. It's kind of my hobby. I love to find great bargains on good quality things...and I do, too often. Gymboree is my downfall, I think I might get a job there when Christian comes home. I need to satisfy my obsession by dressing other people's kids. Though, I usually get everything for more than 60% off, so, the employee discount would not be as great.
I'm excited about tomorrow through next Friday. Tomorrow I will be picking Krissy up so that she can come down to Colorado Springs to help me prepare for my sisters and cousin coming into town. And, of course, so she can hang out with me and pretty much stay until the girls leave, teehee. Heather, Lauren, and Alex, will come in Friday evening!!!!!!!!!!! On Saturday, Bruce, Lynda, and Zach will come to Colorado Springs, as well, to celebrate Easter. Heather and Lauren have to sadly leave Sunday afternoon. I wish that they could stay longer! But, they will just have to miss out on all of the fun that Alex, Kris, Abby, and I will have, hehe. J/K!!!! I love my family!
Oh, and for exciting news about Abigail. She is learning how to pull up. I'm scared because that means that walking is not too far away, as well as falling, toppling, and furniture replacement. I'm thinking that I'll just wrap everything in bubble wrap and duct tape!!!
I can't wait to come!! You glued the ribbons to the A very nicely :P
I miss you! (despite the fact that you're a mean sister who doesn't comment her other sisters blogs... even though that sister is adorable, and loving, and devotedly comments your blogs.)
I LOVE THAT DRESS! Where did Kris get it? It is SUPER cute! Can't wait to see you girls! xxoo
BTW, great talking to you for a minute on Skype! That was fun.
And nice work w/ the ribbon holder. Good find. :)
Love you
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