Today I am old...as in..25! Yay...I can finally say that I'm in my mid-twenties.
Abigail, Tupac, and I decided to be adventurous this weekend and drive up to the grandparents place! We got here Thursday afternoon, and, boy was the traffic bad. I guess everyone is taking there vacation now!! Thankfully Abigail slept the entire time, and, Tupac stayed on the floor instead of the seats for the majority of the trip.
We had some yummy speghetti last night and CAKE!! I love Lynda's cakes...she makes angel food cake for everyone's birthday, and, then fresh stawberries and whipped cream! It's so yummy and refreshing, well...compared to the heavy icing covered cakes. Abigail was so happy to see her Oba and Ogi, as well as Tupac!
This morning we went to eat at The Delectable Egg. Yummy yummy yummy!! Abigail of course put on a show, and, had the waitresses coming over to gush over her! It's got to be that big ole bow, haha. Anywhoo, afterwards, we came home to chat briefly with Christian and then headed up to Boulder. We went to Starbuck's and then hit the used bookstore to search for books for Abby. Her birthday is in August, and, while toys are fun...I think we will be sticking to books and balls, haha. She's more interested in the untouchables anyway!! It's impossible to hide all of those electrical cords, hahaha...WHY ARE THEY HER FAVORITE TOY!?!?!?!?
Moving on, after we found a few good books, we came back home. Lynda prepared an AMAZING dinner of STEAK (if you know me...you know that this is my weakness), potatoes, mushrooms, yams, collard greens, corn on the cob, broccoli, and MORE CAKE!!! Let me tell you...it was delicious. I could eat this everyday...but, that wouldn't be very healthy, teehee.
Well...moving on to Abigail updates...this child is seriouly beginning to scare me. Christian, you need to come home NOW, because, you left me with a wild child!!! She is beginning to experiment with PULLING UP ON FURNITURE! She's not quite there, but, she's dangerously close. She gets onto her knees, and then puts one foot flat on the floor. YIKES! And, let's not even get into her talking back! Haha, she's a chatterbox. I'm terrified of when she actually starts talking in sentences, and, even worse, asking questions! God help us, I don't think we knew what we were getting into!
Juuuuuuust kidding, she's a peach! I'm excited about all of these progressions, but, they really are scary. She is keeping me on my toes! The higher she can reach, the more dangerous things she can get into! I really need to finish that baby proofing! Anyone want to come over and help, haha? Anyway...please be kind about the pictures I'm in. I looked especially..."special" today after dinner.
1 comment:
YAY!!! I'm glad that you spent your birthday with family. That makes me happy. :-) I think that maybe Abigail is turning into my bunny with the chords...just make sure she doesn't chew on them. :P
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