If someone was to come up to me today and tell me, "It's illegal to eat meat and you now have to become a vegetarian, " I would fall to my knees and cry out in sadness. It's an odd thought, I know, but, I was just thinking about how much I love meat, beef primarily. When I was pregnant with Abigail, that was all I wanted. Poor Christian probably had at least 40 steaks during the duration of my pregnancy, because, it was what I NEEDED! I know that it's horrible for my health, but, I just can't do away with it!
Well, I found myself really starting to want pot roast this week, so, that is what I made today. After work, I ran by the grocery store to pick up my treasure of top roast, carrots, and potatoes and headed home to begin cooking. After three hours in the yummy, out came a DELICIOUS dinner that I get to have for three days in a row, teehee. I don't think I'll let Abigail eat the meat, but, I'm sure that she'll love the carrots and potatoes. I do have to say, I'm quite proud of myself! I know have a new dinner that I can add to my repertoire to make for my wonderful husband. I always prefer his cooking, but, I can stand to give him a break once in a while, haha.
Abigail is starting to get so cute with her toys. Lynda pulled out a doll for her, and, did she ever love it! We've been playing with it everyday since then. It comes with a bottle, and, she even knows how to give it to the baby...sort of. She just hits the baby in the face with it and looks at me with this huge grin. I keep telling myself that she really is trying to feed the baby. She's even tried drinking from the bottle, herself. My mom had gotten this doll for Abigail this past Christmas so that she would have a lovey like my Shelly doll. When I was a baby-toddler-child, my favorite toy was this doll with a cloth body and plastic arms/face/legs. She went with me EVERYWHERE! I had hoped that I would be able to give her to Abby, along with a few other childhood treasures, but, I found her in our garage without a head. We searched through EVERYTHING in the garage, but, sadly, her head was not to be found. Oh well...so, this doll shall do, hehe.
In the last few pictures, Abby is taking a short nap. This is the only way that I have been able to keep her calm and asleep at night since she's been teething this past week. Well, tonight I am going to be a mean evil mommy and make her cry it out :-(. I hate hearing her cry, but, I haven't slept well in 5 days, and, that takes a pretty good toll on the body. I know that it was similar when she was first born, but, I was letting her co sleep with me as soon as Christian left (wish I never did that). I have learned a lot from this...attachment parenting is NOT my friend!!! I love baby wearing, but, I also love strollers. I love cuddling with Abby while she sleeps, but, I also love to sleep too, haha.
1 comment:
I love meat, too! We bought meat, ground it up, and made yummy patties with cheese! Let's just go get our own cow. :-P
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