Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Well, I've been bad and haven't updated much, but, here I am, hehe. It's been a rough couple of weeks between Abigail's teething and me being sick. We're better now and all ready to blog, though.

Abigail is still doing her Army crawl, but, she's added a new feature. She now stands on her feet, with her hands on the floor for about one minute while she tries to figure out how to stand up all the way. She doesn't really care to pull up on, I think it will be LOOOONG time before she walks. Especially with these odd methods that she's trying out.

The naked and bath pictures are from last week when Abby had a horrible blow out. I changed her cleaned her up, and filled the tub. She heard the water, so, she scrambled down the hall to the bathroom. (She likes bath time!) She had her very first bubble bath, and, she had so much fun. I let her soak in there for a good hour!!!

The pictures of her in the blue dot dress are from this past Monday. When we came home from work, I hopped on the computer to check out some things. While I was online, Abigail decided that she was hungry and rummaged through my diaper bag. Inside, she found 1/2 a banana, a bag of saltines, her sippy, and, mommy's water bottle. She had a feast!!

The other pictures are just from a random day of cleaning at home...she really likes playing with the vacuum cleaner cord, yikes!

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