Sunday, May 3, 2009

Abigail likes bad food

Well, tonight I had a shameful dinner. I didn't feel like doing much cooking, and, I already had everything here. I had a bean burrito with sauce and mozzarella cheese. Well, while I was eating, Abby woke up from her nap and was ready to nurse. I sat down at the computer where I had previously been eating and started to nurse. When I began to take a bite from my burrito, Abby broke off and LUNGED towards it. She then began to make her fussing noise that indicates that she wants something. I then did the unthinkable. I let Abby take a bite of my burrito! She really enjoyed it, so, I decided that I would let her eat some refried beans (I know I know, I'm a horrible mom). She LOVED it. The poor child was so tired, that, she kept rubbing her face and then asking for more bites. Needless to say, after this feeding episode, Abby had a bath!

In one of the pictures, it looks like Abby is sticking her face in the water. Well, she really likes to drink it, so, she sticks her face right in and laps it up. Yes...just like a dog.

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